Page name: bored wiki [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-04-20 21:38:28
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Welcome to the bored wiki !


Welcome to the bored wiki , every one is welcome here...if you would like to become a member just go to the link below (bored wiki members )and add you name at the bottom of the list...if you have any questions message me,my username is [deathly ~*~ beautiful] or [FireWing].Thank you.


Rules: agrueing here (or fighting)
2.dont talk trash about people on here
3.have fun and feel free to talk about whatever
4.dont use this as a debate room there is a forum designed for that..go there instead..


Owner:[deathly ~*~ beautiful]

Asst. Manager:[FireWing]


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Here are some other cool wiki's that I know of...if you have one you'd like to add just let me here they are:

mystic circle -owner:[scarletdeath]
ghost hunters -owner:[THEHOBBITEDONE]
Cutters Poetry-owner:[deathly ~*~ beautiful]
gothicDepression fan club -owner:[Celtore]
bleeding hearts -owner:[Celtore]
People of the Heartagram-owner:[FireWing]
What Love Truely Is-owner:[deathly ~*~ beautiful]


If you have any questions comments or complaints contact me.(Or if you wish Message James @ [FireWing])We will be happy to help you or listen to your question comment or complaint.

[deathly ~*~ beautiful]

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2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hes still here im talking to him as wel

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,coolness welli had two different messages i was sending to him and then he stoppped sending them to me..hmm..

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke wierd

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah i know hmm why oisnt he on here???

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: dont know but im of to bed its now 04:27 at nicht here its olmost morning

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: im here comp glitched

2005-06-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: sorry i gafe you the wrong name im to tired to think im of to bed bye bye

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..hey..erm..yeah

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: later , any body else besides us silence

2005-06-22 [Celtore]: Hey everyone

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: hello

2005-06-22 [Celtore]: HIYA

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: how are u

2005-06-22 [Celtore]: good you?

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: yo everybody wussup

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey ppl..whats up?

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: not much toots

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,nice habit youve picked

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: wut habit

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,callin chiks

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,callin chiks

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: yea i started the whole toots deal its my signature phrase with the woman hehe jklol

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,im what are you up to..

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: nada <font color=green> TOOTS

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: were di du some up with that word anyways?

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: i heard it on some show its the wayy u say it its with an accent

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: <font size = 100> HAHA YESSSS

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: erm i dont think the font thingy

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: elllo

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: no but the bold underline and italicize did

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: <font color=pink> pink

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: dammnit i cant do it on here

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: how do you do it?

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hello???marco..

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: pollo

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey!*glomps*

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *glomps silence *

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: HI! *glomps*

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *glomps wind*

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey we gots a new member!!! [Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric] ...i hope i typed theyre name rite..

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: yup!^^ u did! *glomps her back*

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: so what r u doing

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: the usual

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah well im not..ugh..

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: i know, *hugs silence*

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: *hugs back* thanks i need that..and alot more..hmm

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *hugs silence again*

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: getting a bad feeling and i dont know why what the fuck..why is this all happening so close together,something bad is about to happen and its going to be big,i dont know what or when but ive never had this manyt feelings so close together..

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: whos it about

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: wuts with the glomps stuff

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: its like a fun tack, hug

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: *tackle

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: erm its about me and john and erm i think one of them was about my dad is starting to get really bad ..

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: ;(

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: erm yeah so what about everyone else? i dont wanna talk about me..c/s so has anyone ever seen a blu duk???

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: i have

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: yeah

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: no not really not a live one atleast

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: hmmm

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: wut

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i saw one in a

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: kool

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: thats where i saw mine

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...billy madison rite?

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: yeah

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,i thought so  lol

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: *huggles silence and hobbit* hello! ^^ (again)

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: BOO

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: *screams and hides*

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,hey kagura..

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: hi...

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: hi wind

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,hey hobit is your friend here i feel a presence and i cant tell who it is..

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: kill me plz

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: why???

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: NO!! never!

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: yeah hes here

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: whos ur friend?

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: erm whats going on ppl?

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: i made cookie today...

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: coolnesses

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: cookies mmmmmmmmmmmmm

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: im hungy..i think..cake!

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: *gives u each a cookie*

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: *hungily snatches cookie*yuumm

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: *doesnt have ny left foe me* T_T

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i only took 1!!!lol

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: i know but i only made 4

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hmm that wasnt smart*breaks cookie in half* here you go

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: YOU!!! ^_^ *tears of joy streaming from face* *bites cookies* 0.0 wow i suck...

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: here*gives  wind a cookie*  these are from my place

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: no thats okay! u can keep them! *gives her back the cookies*

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: huh?im lost..weeeeeee*spinning round in round untill she gets so dizzy she plops on the ground*wow that was fun..

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: really? *imitates her*

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..see isnt it

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: *dizzy* @@ no... not really... *faints*

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,i had

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: *snore* fish can fly the voices tell me... *mumble in her sleep*

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: jsut curius whats this her, im a guy

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: 0.o... u r? IM SO SRY!!!! >_<

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..i was wondering that myself..lmao

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: ack i feel terrible! @@

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: y

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: bc she coppied me and now shes

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: i thought hobbit was a giiiirl!

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: really then

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: really then what?

2005-06-22 [hardyboy2000]: nothing

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: ... im so lost... hey... where is everyone?

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: im here sorry me and hobbit were talking about something serious...

2005-06-22 [une histoire d'amour]: ooh! like what?

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: just supernatural stuff..

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: nicely put silence

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: thanks yas..

2005-06-22 [Magatama]: *walks in randomly*

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey!

2005-06-22 [Magatama]: helloness

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: borededededidddd...*spins around again and again till shes dizzy and falls on the ground*lol,i love doing that..

2005-06-22 [Celtore]: BOREDUM

2005-06-22 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lmao..*dizzily standing up*

2005-06-22 [Celtore]: op *helps Silence*

2005-06-22 [Magatama]: *camoflages himself and sneaks up behind silence and depression*

2005-06-22 [LastHope]: ep?

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: silence is gone

2005-06-22 [Magatama]: damn

2005-06-22 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: lol

2005-06-22 [Magatama]: *looks at the cliff*

2005-06-22 [LastHope]: you gonna jump?

2005-06-22 [Celtore]: Oops

2005-06-22 [Magatama]: *looks at the snowboard and then looks back at the cliff then grabs the board straps it on and starts shredding*

2005-06-22 [LastHope]: ..........*.*

2005-06-22 [Magatama]: *jumps off a rock and does a 360 backflip*

2005-06-22 [Celtore]: *gets on my horse, Stormy, and trots around*

2005-06-22 [LastHope]: Yay! *video taps it all*

2005-06-22 [Magatama]: *continues shredding in and out of trees and then jumps off a huge ramp and does a 1520 double frontflip method madness*

2005-06-22 [LastHope]: oh!

2005-06-22 [Magatama]: *lands sorta sketchy and falls over*

2005-06-22 [Celtore]: *begins to pick up speed and goes over a 2 footer (no biggy)

2005-06-22 [Magatama]: *lies there laughing at his stupidity*

2005-06-22 [Celtore]: *turns around and heads towards Sagara and gives him her hand to help him up*

2005-06-22 [LastHope]: 0.o

2005-06-22 [Magatama]: i am a male miss *takes your hand* thanks

2005-06-22 [LastHope]: *sits on the ground*

2005-06-22 [Magatama]: *looks at Zoe*

2005-06-22 [LastHope]: *waves* ^.^

2005-06-22 [Magatama]: *tackles playfully*

2005-06-22 [Celtore]: i know u are reread it lol

2005-06-22 [LastHope]: Ack! *falls* how many times have this happen too me today?

2005-06-22 [Magatama]: oops misread it sorry

2005-06-22 [LastHope]: XP

2005-06-22 [Magatama]: *bites Zoe playfully* i'm away guys buh bye

2005-06-22 [LastHope]: 0o cya

2005-06-22 [Celtore]: its all good

2005-06-22 [Celtore]: *waves8

2005-06-22 [LastHope]: *nods*

2005-06-22 [Celtore]: BOREDUM

2005-06-23 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: hello any one here

2005-06-23 [Celtore]: Hey HOBBIT

2005-06-23 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: hey how are u

2005-06-23 [une histoire d'amour]: hi guys! *waves*

2005-06-23 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: muwaah* hey everybody gues whos back?

2005-06-23 [une histoire d'amour]: back again! shady's back! tell a friend!

2005-06-23 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hey im back

2005-06-23 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: welcome back silence adn Gard

2005-06-23 [LastHope]: ep?...

2005-06-23 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: thanks man

2005-06-23 [LastHope]: .......alone...

2005-06-23 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: ello zoe

2005-06-23 [LastHope]: *waves* hi...

2005-06-23 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hey zoe

2005-06-23 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: so how is everyone

2005-06-23 [LastHope]:

2005-06-23 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: i just tolt you wat happent

2005-06-23 [LastHope]: eh?

2005-06-23 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel im talking to THEHOBBITEDONE: on ep it self not the wiki and i just tolt him wat happent

2005-06-23 [LastHope]: oh...sorry

2005-06-23 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: lol

2005-06-23 [LastHope]: T.T lol

2005-06-23 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: dosant mater zoe its oke

2005-06-23 [LastHope]: 00 oh no...I hope she's ok

2005-06-23 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: dam that sucks

2005-06-23 [LastHope]: ...oh...

2005-06-23 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: yaeah it does suck

2005-06-23 [LastHope]: well lets just hope for the best

2005-06-23 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: yep

2005-06-23 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: whi gude make a wiki fore hur than ever one she know's gude send there regarst to hur

2005-06-23 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: sounds like a good idea

2005-06-23 [LastHope]: Yeah!

2005-06-23 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: its whulde bee like a get wel card

2005-06-23 [LastHope]: yeah really big one!

2005-06-23 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: so that's more fun

2005-06-23 [LastHope]: yeah!

2005-06-23 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: yep

2005-06-23 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: but therse just 1 problem oke 2  i cant finde a pic on hur page and on the pages frome hur friends +wat sude the wiki be cold

2005-06-23 [LastHope]: oh what smart poeple

2005-06-23 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: who ?

2005-06-23 [LastHope]: you!

2005-06-23 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: me no im not smart i just thot of the idear i didnt say that i didnt need help with it

2005-06-23 [LastHope]: but you came up with it!

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